Питомники собак породы Той-пудельЕсли Вы ищите питомник собак породы Той-пудель, ознакомьтесь со списком питомников ниже. На сайте представлены как монопородные питомники, так и питомники собак нескольких пород. Если Вы владелец питомника, можете бесплатно добавить свой питомник на сайт. Так же если у Вашего питомника есть свой сайт, добавьте ссылку на него в наш каталог сайтов питомников собак. Показано с 1 по 30 из 66 организаций. Страницы: 1 2 3 | Питомник собак \"Шарм Ревю\"
Россия, Москва89197244381 | Породы: Пражский крысарик, Той-пудель Стаж племенной работы с породами 25 лет. На данный момент основная порода Пражский Крысарик редких мраморных окрасов. |  | Питомник собак toy yorkie puppies
Грузия, Тбилисиwhatsapp+17025771216, /text :3213858772 or email:( maryjoan10@gmail.com )
Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Dachshund, Pomeranian, Yorkshire Terrier, Poodle, Rottweiler, Maltipoo, Cockapoo, Maltese, Bernedoodle, Goldendoodle, Cavapoo, Akita, Saint Bernard, Samoyed, Presa Canario, Shih Tzu, English Bulldog, Cocker Spaniel, Cavalier King Charles, Beagle, Siberian Husky, German Shepherd, Corgi, Pomsky, Chow Chow, French Bulldog, Lagotto Romagnolo, Labradoodle, Cava-Tzu, Bichon, Shiba Inu, Boxer, cte | Породы: Йоркширский терьер, Померанский шпиц, карликовый, Той-пудель i have a litter teacup yorkie puppies available for sale now ...contact me via whatsapp :+17025771216, /text :3213858772 or email:( maryjoan10@gmail.com )for more pictures and information regarding the available puppies.
All our puppies are up to date on shots and deworming. Toy and teacup puppies are perfect for a house or an apartment.... |  | Питомник собак teacup yorkie puppies available
Великобритания, Ливерпуль+17025771216
Southampton, Portsmouth
Coventry, West Midlands | Породы: Йоркширский терьер, Той-терьер, Той-пудель i have a litter teacup yorkie puppies available for sale now ...contact me via whatsapp :+17025771216, /text :3213858772 or email:( maryjoan10@gmail.com )for more pictures and information regarding the available puppies.
All our puppies are up to date on shots and deworming. Toy and teacup puppies are perfect for a house or an apartment.... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Финляндия, Хельсинкиx | Породы: Той-пудель, Той-пудель, Той-пудель Toy-Poodle Puppies!!!AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life partner,they... |
|  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Франция, Парижx | Породы: Той-пудель, Той-пудель, Той-пудель Toy-Poodle Puppies!!!AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life partner,they... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Литва, Ширвинтосx | Породы: Той-пудель, Той-пудель, Той-пудель Playful Toy-Poodle Puppies!!!AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Литва, Скуодасx | Породы: Той-пудель, Той-пудель, Той-пудель Playful Toy-Poodle Puppies!!!AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Ирландия, x | Породы: Той-пудель, Той-пудель, Той-пудель Toy-Poodle puppies!! AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life partner,they... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Нидерланды, Амстердамx | Породы: Той-пудель, Той-пудель, Той-пудель Toy-Poodle puppies!! AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life partner,they... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Литва, Расейняйx | Породы: Той-пудель, Той-пудель, Той-пудель Adorable Toy-Poodle Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life partner,they are adorable and very... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Кипр, Никосииx | Породы: Той-пудель, Той-пудель, Той-пудель Adorable Toy-Poodle Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life partner,they are adorable and very... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Нидерланды, Амстердамx | Породы: Той-пудель, Той-пудель, Той-пудель Toy-Poodle Terrier!!!AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life partner,they... |
|  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Ирландия, Дублинx | Породы: Той-пудель Adorable Toy-Poodle Puppies!!!AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Кипр, Ларнакаx | Породы: Той-пудель Toy-Poodle puppies!! AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life partner,they... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Кипр, Лимассолx | Породы: Той-пудель Adorable Toy-Poodle Terrier Puppies!!!AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Кипр, Никосииx | Породы: Той-пудель, Той-пудель, Той-пудель Adorable Toy-Poodle Puppies!!!AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Нидерланды, Амстердамx | Породы: Той-пудель Toy-Poodle puppies!! AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life partner,they... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Литва, Палангаx | Породы: Той-пудель Adorable Toy-Poodle Terrier Puppies!!!AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Ирландия, Дублинx | Породы: Той-пудель Toy-Poodle puppies!! AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life partner,they... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Бельгия, x | Породы: Той-пудель Toy-Poodle puppies!!Colours available(Apricot, cream and dark Red) AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts ( fynnadelina@gmail.com ) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Германия, Мюнхенcd | Породы: Той-пудель, Той-пудель, Той-пудель Adorable Toy-Poodle Puppies!!!AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts (fynnadelina@gmail.com) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Кипр, Никосииc | Породы: Той-пудель, Той-пудель, Той-пудель Toy-Poodle Puppies !!!A male and afemale Available Please Email at:(fynnadelina@gmail.com) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life partner,they are adorable and very cute, and very... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Кипр, Никосииx | Породы: Той-пудель Adorable Toy-Poodle Puppies!!!AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts (fynnadelina@gmail.com) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Ирландия, Дублинx | Породы: Той-пудель Adorable Toy-Poodle Puppies!!!AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts (fynnadelina@gmail.com) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Греция, Афиныx | Породы: Той-пудель, Той-пудель, Той-пудель Beautiful Toy-Poodle Puppies!!!AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts (fynnadelina@gmail.com) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Польша, Варшаваx | Породы: Той-пудель Adorable Toy-Poodle Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts(fynnadelina@gmail.com) Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life partner,they are adorable and very cute,... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Греция, Ираклионx | Породы: Той-пудель Adorable Toy-Poodle Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts (telegabija@gmail.com) whatsapp us directly at +49 176 94919504. Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price.........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered,dont miss this chance now get your forever life... |  | Питомник собак Toy-Poodle Puppies Available
Франция, Амьенx | Породы: Той-пудель Toy Poodle puppies!! AKC Health guarantee, Puppies Now Ready To Join Their New Forever Homes contacts (telegabija@gmail.com) whatsapp us directly at +49 176 94919504. Age: 10 Weeks, Sex: Female and Male, Price .........Negotiable Shipping available worldwide All our puppies come with their papers and are also AKC registered ,dont miss this chance... |  | Питомник собак available Poodles Puppies
Венгрия, Сегедs | Породы: Той-пудель We have available Poodles Puppies, Email:(elizabertkruusima@gmail.com) Or WHATSAPP ME AT +35796995604 they are Adorable ready for their forever home. They are extremely well socialized and great with kids, also with other pets. They are very playful with a lovely personality, their vaccinations is up to date and are in perfect health. More... |  | Питомник собак Available Poodles Puppie
Литва, Кретингаd | Породы: Той-пудель We have available Poodles Puppies, Email:(elizabertkruusima@gmail.com) Or WHATSAPP ME AT +35796995604 they are Adorable ready for their forever home. They are extremely well socialized and great with kids, also with other pets. They are very playful with a lovely personality, their vaccinations is up to date and are in perfect health. More... |
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Узнайте больше о породе собак : Той-пудель
Той-пудель очень гармоничная собака с характерной кудрявой или шнуровой шерстью. На вид очень умный, элегантный и полон достоинства. Пудель имеет пружинистый, очень легкий шаг. Пудель очень легко дрессируется и обучается, очень дружелюбно взаимодействует с другими животными.
Голова той-пуделя пропорциональна корпусу, ее длина немного больше высоты холки. Рельеф черепа хорошо угадывается под тонкой шкурой. Мочка носа достаточно крупная, профиль вертикальный, ноздри открыты. У коричневых пуделей мочка в тон шерсти, у абрикосовых от темно – коричневого до черного, а у остальных черная. Морда прямолинейная и составляет 9/10 от всей длины головы. Морда элегантная, но не острая. Губы сухие, средние. Верхняя губа накрывает верхнюю, но не свисает над ней. Цвет губ колеблется от черных до коричневых в зависимости от масти собаки. Зубы крепкие, челюсти хорошо смыкаются.