24 - november - 2019 | N—463845 
Puppies for sale French Bulldog Latvia, Jurmala
We have one beautiful light Fawn Girl remaining. Anyone who comes to see her will love her. She is stunning with a loving and playful personality.
All pups are being brought up in the house with cats, other dogs, surrounded by every day noises and getting lots of love and attention from us and visitors of all ages. They are all confident pups and seem to be unfazed by most things.
We are not breeders, we just wanted our very healthy girl, who has an amazing temperament to pass on her good genes and have a chance to be a mum before having the “op.”
She gave birth naturally and has been a good mum and loved playing with the pups.
Our hope is that because they are a cross breed, they will be healthier than pure breeds.
• Pups ready to collect.
• Wormed & Flea treated
• Vet Checked - healthy & happy pups
• Microchipped
• Puppy Pack with Hills Science plan food & toys
• Optional 4 free weeks insurance
Good, loving, forever homes only.
Actually up 23 - january - 2020
Contacts Latvia, Jurmala Phone: +1-819-816-3487 dfghhgfdsasdfghhgfd |