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Advert № 505677
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17 - february - 2020 | N—505677
Puppies for sale rottweiler - Slovakia, Hradec Kralove

Puppies for sale Rottweiler Slovakia, Hradec Kralove

Healthy Male and Female Rottweiler puppies EMAIL : (killyjean@gmail.com) Healthy Male and Female Rottweiler puppies looking for a good home.They are just what will bring you joy in your family as pets.I just moved into a new apartment which is a non pet apartment, so that's why I'm giving these my babies out since our new apartment does not permit us to keep them any more. I just hope to find a good home for them that's all i want.please EMAIL :(killyjean@gmail.com)
Actually up 17 - april - 2020

Slovakia, Hradec Kralove
Phone: +1 444 444 4444
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