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Dog breeders, dog kennels American cocker spaniel and pekingese FCI IZ MALEN'KOY STRANY kennel. American Cocker Spaniel, Pekinese. Ukraine, Simferopol

American cocker spaniel and pekingese FCI IZ MALEN'KOY STRANY kennel. American Cocker Spaniel, Pekinese

Dog breeders, dog kennels American cocker spaniel and pekingese FCI IZ MALEN'KOY STRANY kennel. American Cocker Spaniel, Pekinese. Ukraine, Simferopol

American cocker spaniel and pekingese FCI IZ MALEN'KOY STRANY kennel
We are the champions! You will be proud of your Iz Malen'koy Strany dog!
Ukraine, Simferopol
+380505081980 prettymascot@rambler.ru www.izmalenkoystrany.jimdo.com
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