Черно-коричневые ротвейлеры для усыновления. Дания, Копенаген
Черно-коричневые ротвейлеры для усыновления. Дания, Копенаген |
Black and Brown Rottweilers for Adoption......
Beautiful Black and Brown Rottweiler puppies male and females in need of good homes. Their mother was found as a skinny stray and has spent the last several months in foster care where she has been well cared for and gave birth to them several weeks ago, seen by a vet and trained.
11 weeks old
Crate Trained
House Broken
Leash Trained
Basic Commands
Incredibly loving and affectionate
Low to moderate energy level
Up to Date on Shots
Great with people and children.
Please email me for more information and pictures on how to get them.EMAIL(clarkeztatiana2@gmail.com)
Contacts Дания, Копенаген fdgter
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