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Dog breeders, dog kennels Mini Maltese target weight about 1.2 kg with ZHPR-UCI pedigree. Maltese, Pomeranian Spitz, Yorkshire Terrier. Austria, Graz

Mini Maltese target weight about 1.2 kg with ZHPR-UCI pedigree. Maltese, Pomeranian Spitz, Yorkshire Terrier

Dog breeders, dog kennels Mini Maltese target weight about 1.2 kg with ZHPR-UCI pedigree. Maltese, Pomeranian Spitz, Yorkshire Terrier. Austria, Graz

Hello, I offer a miniature Maltese bitch, after parents from the breeders' association. is ready for pickup. is 12 weeks old. She has a full 4th generation pedigree, which guarantees the purity of the breed. The mother also has a full 4th generation pedigree, which can be viewed on site, weighs 2.3 kg. The puppy's father also has a full 4th generation pedigree, weighs 1.8 kg. The female will be dewormed and vaccinated three times, depending on the age, which will be confirmed by an entry in the health book by the veterinarian
Austria, Graz
whatsapp +48501168825
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New adverts. Dog breeders, dog kennels Mini Maltese target weight about 1.2 kg with ZHPR-UCI pedigree

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