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Питомник собак LeKowalli. Yorkshire Terrier. Belarus, Minsk

LeKowalli. Yorkshire Terrier

Питомник собак LeKowalli. Yorkshire Terrier. Belarus, Minsk

Welcome to the “LeKowalli” kennel.
We specialize in breeding Biewer Yorkshire Terrier and Chocolate Yorkshire Terrier.
“LeKowalli” is known not only in its own country, but far beyond its borders. Our dogs lead in many international conformation shows and have the titles of champions of Europe, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland and Turkey. A special pride of the kennel is purebred producers with rich pedigrees and numerous titles. You can see pedigrees of our puppies and their parents online: http://ingrus.net/biewer/manageperson/1442.
Our pets grow in comfortable conditions, in care and love. We help you to choose a puppy that will become your loving companion for very long years or a promising ring star.
We teach you how to care for your beloved friend and we will use all our experience and professionalism to raise the Champion.
The price for Beaver Yorkie puppies is individual and depends on the gender, quality of the puppy, its anatomy, color, show prospects and other factors. All puppies of the kennel are sold under an agreement with the breeder and have an international pedigree BKU, IBC, IHR, chip, International veterinary passport and the necessary vaccinations, according to the age of the puppy. Regardless of the class of the puppy you have chosen (for home or shows), we guarantee his health and adequate psyche.
Dogs of the “LeKowalli” live all over the world, including the USA, England, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Hungary, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic. If there are graduates of our kennel in your country, we can provide the owner’s contact and you can get feedback on us and our dogs directly from the owners.
Our animals are delivered worldwide under the supervision of special people in the most comfortable and safe conditions for animals.
Welcome to our family!!!
Контактная информация
Belarus, Minsk
+375 29 1829213
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Узнайте больше о породе собак : Йоркширский терьер

Йоркширский терьер

Йоркширский терьер - это длинношерстный той-терьер с голубовато-подпалым окрасом. Шерсть от мочки носа до основания хвоста ниспадает с обеих сторон тела, образуя "пробор".

Самое первое упоминание о породе в Соединенных Штатах относится к 1872 году. Ринги для нее на всех выставках появились начиная с 1878 года. На первых выставках ринги делились по весу - до 2,3 кг и выше 2,3 кг. Однако размеры собак скоро стабилизировались: от 1,4 до 3,2 кг. Как только стало понятно, что ринги для собак большего размера почти не заполняются, всех собак объединили в одну группу.

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