08 - august - 2020 | N—609248 
Puppies for sale Dachshund Greece, Heraklion
please Email (belvascott11@gmail.com) or
call on WhatsApp : (+237 6 51 35 62 23)
Dating back to the 16th century, the Mini (Dachshund) was created to hunt hare. Originating in Germany, this breed is actually a Terrier. They gained notoriety in England when Queen Victoria became a fancier. Today Mini Dachshund's continue to be popular pets and are occasionally still used for hunting.
please Email (belvascott11@gmail.com)
please call on WhatsApp : (+237 6 51 35 62 23)
Actually up 07 - october - 2020
Contacts Greece, Heraklion Phone: +237 6 51 35 62 23 Dachshund |