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Advert № 25180
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11 - july - 2010 | N—25180

Puppies for sale Russian Toy-Terrier Russia, Izhevsk

Charmed puppies of Russian Toy - terrier for sale from "Evgenica" kennel! Boys was born on the 6th of May, 2010. Pedigree of RKF, branded, vacinated. Boys`re friendly, easy - going, the best company for families with kids. Puppies good for dog - shows, breeding, the best pets. You`re interested in our puppies? Write on e - mail SallyHalloween@mail.ru We`ll send you photos and more information
Price 10 000  РУБ
Actually up 09 - september - 2010

Russia, Izhevsk
8-3412-8 950 153 00 49
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