02 - december - 2020 | N—739469 
Puppies for sale Rhodesian Ridgeback Ireland, Cork
He is very energetic and gets along with other dogs and animals. CONTACT ME AT (( johnsonol847@gmail.com )) (( johnsonol847@gmail.com )) FOR MORE INFO AND PHOTOS OF PUPPIES OK He rings the bell to go outside, doesn\'t whine, and comes running when you tell him to \"kennel up\". He also NEVER has accidents in the house, prefers to do his business in the woods, and doesn\'t dig or chew. He loves to go on walks and shed hunts with me, and he loves the water and the snow. He knows his boundaries, and can sit, stay, and go down on command. He loves getting bathed, and sits still to have his nails trimmed;
Price 155 € Actually up 31 - january - 2021
Contacts Ireland, Cork Phone: 07520671171 3465 |