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Ads by this author helena jonesa

Displaying from 1 to 22 all number 22 ads. Pages:  1 
Puppies for sale Cyprus, Ayia Napa Chihuahua30 - november - 2020 | N—736512
Puppies for sale Cyprus, Ayia NapaChihuahua
600  €
Adorable Chihuahua Puppies\r\n(helenajonesa222@gmail.com) or whats app (1 321-209-8051)\r\nWe are looking for good homes to welcome these 2 beautiful chihuahua puppies.\r\nThey had their first jabs, flea and worming has been done.\r\nYou can contact us at anytime.\r\nAmerican Akita Pups
Puppies for sale Cyprus, Ayia Napa Maltese30 - november - 2020 | N—736511
Puppies for sale Cyprus, Ayia NapaMaltese
500  €
Maltese Puppies (hypoallergenic Breed) (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) or whats app (1 321-209-8051) One boy and one girl pure bred Maltese Puppy for sale. Mum and Dad are my family pets and they are beautiful examples of the Breed, both KC Registered, pure White with Black Points. Mum and Dad have exemplary 5 generation paperwork with Cruft...
Puppies for sale Austria, Graz Other breed30 - november - 2020 | N—736509
Puppies for sale Austria, GrazOther breed
600  €
Pomeranian for adoption contact me via email (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) or whats app (1 321-rn209-8051)rnOur beautiful family dog Tia has given birth to 5 handsome pups & we have 1 left. mum is rnpomeranian and dad is shih tzu. pup will come wormed, vaccinated & with small blanket with rnmothers scent. Will be ready to leave home after aug 30. Im...
Puppies for sale Estonia, Sillamyae French Bulldog12 - october - 2020 | N—667459
Puppies for sale Estonia, SillamyaeFrench Bulldog
700  €
Prantsuse buldog lapsendamiseks (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) või whats app (1 321-209-8051) Pole tasuta, sõnum hinnakujunduse jaoks. Tutvuge aktsiakapitali Brittiga Black Brindle, mis kannab kakaod ja sinist värvi. Võib minna oma uude igavesti koju 10 nädalat, samas kui tahetakse on 2 dist / parvo ja tema tavalised ussid, A teda saab...
Puppies for sale Estonia, Sillamyae Golden Retriever12 - october - 2020 | N—667458
Puppies for sale Estonia, SillamyaeGolden Retriever
400  €
Inglise kuldsed retriiverid Praegune vaktsineerimine, veterinaararsti läbivaatus, tervisetõend\\r\\n(helenajonesa222@gmail.com) või whats app (1 321-209-8051)\\r\\nNeed imearmsad kutsikad otsivad seal\\r\\nigavesti kodud. Seal ülimagus, mänguline ja\\r\\non sul kõige armsamad kutsika silmad, mis sulavad sul\\r\\nsüda. Seal UTD tulistas ja...
Puppies for sale Estonia, Narva German Shepherd Dog12 - october - 2020 | N—667457
Puppies for sale Estonia, NarvaGerman Shepherd Dog
500  €
Saksa lambakoer lapsendamiseks (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) või whats app (1 321-209-8051) Praegused vaktsineerimised, veterinaararsti läbivaatus, tervisegarantii See tüdruk on armas, kuid on väga häbelik. Ta on olnud loomaarsti juurde ja kontrollitud, on olnud esimene komplekt lasud ja ussirohud. Ta tuleb oma koopiaga loomaarsti...
Puppies for sale Cyprus, Limassol Chihuahua05 - october - 2020 | N—659770
Puppies for sale Cyprus, LimassolChihuahua
300  €
Chihuahua Yavruları (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) veya whats uygulaması (+1 321-209-8051) Çok sevecen küçük kız. Çekimlerinde utd. ve veterinerden iyi bir kontrol yaptırdı. Eğer sen Bu kız bebekle ilgileniyorum lütfen bize bir bizi arayın veya mesaj gönderin.
Puppies for sale Cyprus, Ayia Napa Maltese05 - october - 2020 | N—659764
Puppies for sale Cyprus, Ayia NapaMaltese
300  €
Malta yavruları yeni bir yuvaya hazır (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) veya whats uygulaması (+1 321-209-8051) AKC'ye kayıtlı ve şampiyon kanı var çizgiler. De-worming konusunda güncel ve aşılar. Bir yıl ile gelecek genetik sağlık garantisi.
Puppies for sale Portugal, Portalegre Haski03 - october - 2020 | N—657608
Puppies for sale Portugal, PortalegreHaski
400  €
Filhote de Husky Siberiano (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) ou whats app (+1 321-209-8051) Olá para vocês amantes do husky siberiano, nós temos 2 lindos filhotes de husky siberiano machos pretos e brancos, disponíveis para deixar nossa casa de família no dia 14-10-2020 os outros 2 foram retirados porque estão todos bem agora, e todos serão Vet...
Puppies for sale Portugal, Braga Yorkshire Terrier03 - october - 2020 | N—657607
Puppies for sale Portugal, BragaYorkshire Terrier
300  €
Filhote de cachorro Yorkshire Terrier (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) ou whats app (+1 321-209-8051) Pronto para ir agora. Olá, ganhei 4 Meses Menina Yorkshire terrier à venda x ELA É brincalhona e calma menina ela gosta de Crianças e outros cachorros x Ela tem Vacinação completa, Desparasitação, Passaporte. Para mais informações envie-me...
Puppies for sale Russia, Stavropol Pug02 - october - 2020 | N—656396
Puppies for sale Russia, StavropolPug
Зарегистрированная девочка-мопс (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) или какое приложение (+1 321-209-8051) У нашей красивой девочки Пеппы было 5 красивых коренастых детенышей мопсов с полной родословной 4 девочки 1...
Puppies for sale Russia, Archangel Akita02 - october - 2020 | N—656374
Puppies for sale Russia, ArchangelAkita
Щенки Акиты (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) или какое приложение (+1 321-209-8051) У меня есть 7 красивых коренастых охотников на медведей, которые по-настоящему здоровы, и готовы к их новому дому. Щенки отлучены от...
Puppies for sale Ireland, Cork Maltese22 - september - 2020 | N—648430
Puppies for sale Ireland, CorkMaltese
Maltese Puppies (hypoallergenic Breed) (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) or whats app (+1 321-209-8051) One boy and one girl pure bred Maltese Puppy for sale. Mum and Dad are my family pets and they are beautiful examples of the Breed, both KC Registered, pure White with Black Points. Mum and Dad have exemplary 5 generation paperwork with Cruft...
Puppies for sale Ireland, Dublin Other breed22 - september - 2020 | N—648429
Puppies for sale Ireland, DublinOther breed
vavPomeranian for adoption contact me via email (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) or whats app (+1 321-209-8051) Our beautiful family dog Tia has given birth to 5 handsome pups & we have 1 left. mum is pomeranian and dad is shih tzu. pup will come wormed, vaccinated & with small blanket with mothers scent. Will be ready to leave home after aug 30. Im...
Puppies for sale Belarus, Gomel Pomeranian Spitz15 - september - 2020 | N—642638
Puppies for sale Belarus, GomelPomeranian Spitz
Pomeranian Spitz Puppies (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) or whats app (1 321-209-8051) 2 gorgeous pomeranian puppies teddy faces, both boys. 6 weeks old ready for there new homes after 2 weeks. They are very playful with lovely characters. Haven't been microchiped yet, but will be when they ready to leave. Both parents will be seen as they...
Puppies for sale Belarus, Brest Pomeranian Spitz15 - september - 2020 | N—642634
Puppies for sale Belarus, BrestPomeranian Spitz
Pomeranian Spitz Puppies\r\n(helenajonesa222@gmail.com) or whats app (1 321-209-8051)\r\n2 gorgeous pomeranian puppies teddy faces, both boys. 6 weeks old ready for there new homes after \r\n\r\n2 weeks. They are very playful with lovely characters. Haven't been microchiped yet, but will be \r\n\r\nwhen they ready to leave. Both parents will be...
Puppies for sale Cyprus, Larnaca Other breed14 - september - 2020 | N—642186
Puppies for sale Cyprus, LarnacaOther breed
Beautiful Cavachon For Studing. (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) or whats app (1 321-209-8051) Arlo is a beautiful young boy available for studing. He’s got the most amazing bubbly and soft personality.
Puppies for sale Cyprus, Larnaca Akita14 - september - 2020 | N—642182
Puppies for sale Cyprus, LarnacaAkita
200  €
Akita Puppies (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) or whats app (1 321-209-8051) I have 7 beautiful chunky bear hunters in really good health ready for their new homes. Pups are weaned off mothers milk and on a mix of wet and dry food really good looking pups in great shape with amazing characters. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you...
Puppies for sale Cyprus, Paphos Chihuahua30 - august - 2020 | N—628245
Puppies for sale Cyprus, PaphosChihuahua
Adorable Chihuahua Puppies (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) or whats app (1 321-209-8051) We are looking for good homes to welcome these 2 beautiful chihuahua puppies. They had their first jabs, flea and worming has been done. You can contact us at anytime.
Puppies for sale Cyprus, Nicosia Pomeranian Spitz30 - august - 2020 | N—628244
Puppies for sale Cyprus, NicosiaPomeranian Spitz
Pomeranian Spitz Puppies (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) or whats app (1 321-209-8051) 2 gorgeous pomeranian puppies teddy faces, both boys. 6 weeks old ready for there new homes after 2 weeks. They are very playful with lovely characters. Haven't been microchiped yet, but will be when they ready to leave. Both parents will be seen as they are...
Puppies for sale Estonia, Sillamyae Pomeranian Spitz29 - august - 2020 | N—627621
Puppies for sale Estonia, SillamyaePomeranian Spitz
200  €
Pomeranian for adoption contact me via email (helenajonesa222@gmail.com) or whats app (1 321-209-8051) Our beautiful family dog Tia has given birth to 5 handsome pups & we have 1 left. mum is pomeranian and dad is shih tzu. pup will come wormed, vaccinated & with small blanket with mothers scent. Will be ready to leave home after aug 30. Im happy...
Puppies for sale Estonia, Sillamyae Pomeranian Spitz29 - august - 2020 | N—627606
Puppies for sale Estonia, SillamyaePomeranian Spitz
if you are interested contact me on whats app+1 321-209-8051 Beautiful Pomeranian Puppies Our family pets have blessed us with a litter of five lovely fur-baby Pomeranians 3 girls and 2 boys. Dad is a small Orange/Red Sable with papers.Mum is a Champagne/Cream true Pom, but no papers. Looking for loving homes for these gorgeous pups, who...
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