Displaying from 1 to 9 all number 9 ads. Pages: 1
 | 27 - april - 2021 | N—893945 Puppies for sale Portugal, LisbonAmerican Pit-Bull Terrier | PLEASE EMAIL AT (ryannecarvalho90@gmail.com)
These adorable American pit bull terrier puppies say hi to loving homes that will welcome them from now. They are playful both with children and adults, other pets and very obedient in their entire live span from puppy stage, adolescent and adult stages. They are 12 week of age with dewormers. They... |
 | 27 - april - 2021 | N—893944 Puppies for sale Portugal, LisbonAmerican Pit-Bull Terrier | PLEASE EMAIL AT (ryannecarvalho90@gmail.com)
These adorable American pit bull terrier puppies say hi to loving homes that will welcome them from now. They are playful both with children and adults, other pets and very obedient in their entire live span from puppy stage, adolescent and adult stages. They are 12 week of age with dewormers. They... |
 | 27 - april - 2021 | N—893943 Puppies for sale Portugal, LisbonAmerican Pit-Bull Terrier | PLEASE EMAIL AT (ryannecarvalho90@gmail.com)
These adorable American pit bull terrier puppies say hi to loving homes that will welcome them from now. They are playful both with children and adults, other pets and very obedient in their entire live span from puppy stage, adolescent and adult stages. They are 12 week of age with dewormers. They... |
 | 16 - march - 2021 | N—854238 Puppies for sale Lithuania, PlungeAmerican Pit-Bull Terrier | PRAŠOME PRAŠYTI PAŠTU (ryannecarvalho90@gmail.com)
Šie žavūs amerikiečių pitbulterjero šuniukai sveikina mylinčius namus, kurie juos nuo šiol priims. Jie žaismingi tiek su vaikais, tiek su suaugusiaisiais, kitais augintiniais ir labai paklusnūs per visą savo gyvavimo laikotarpį nuo šuniuko, paauglio ir suaugusiųjų. Jie yra 12... |
 | 16 - march - 2021 | N—854237 Puppies for sale Lithuania, PalangaAmerican Pit-Bull Terrier | PRAŠOME PRAŠYTI PAŠTU (ryannecarvalho90@gmail.com)
Šie žavūs amerikiečių pitbulterjero šuniukai sveikina mylinčius namus, kurie juos nuo šiol priims. Jie žaismingi tiek su vaikais, tiek su suaugusiaisiais, kitais augintiniais ir labai paklusnūs per visą savo gyvavimo laikotarpį nuo šuniuko, paauglio ir suaugusiųjų. Jie yra 12... |
 | 16 - march - 2021 | N—854236 Puppies for sale Lithuania, KelmeAmerican Pit-Bull Terrier | PRAŠOME PRAŠYTI PAŠTU (ryannecarvalho90@gmail.com)
Šie žavūs amerikiečių pitbulterjero šuniukai sveikina mylinčius namus, kurie juos nuo šiol priims. Jie žaismingi tiek su vaikais, tiek su suaugusiaisiais, kitais augintiniais ir labai paklusnūs per visą savo gyvavimo laikotarpį nuo šuniuko, paauglio ir suaugusiųjų. Jie yra 12... |
 | 16 - january - 2021 | N—783647 Puppies for sale United Kingdom, CambridgeAmerican Pit-Bull Terrier | PLEASE EMAIL AT (ryannecarvalho90@gmail.com)
These adorable American pit bull terrier puppies say hi to loving homes that will welcome them from now. They are playful both with children and adults, other pets and very obedient in their entire live span from puppy stage, adolescent and adult stages. They are 12 week of age with dewormers. They... |
 | 16 - january - 2021 | N—783644 Puppies for sale United Kingdom, CardiffAmerican Pit-Bull Terrier | PLEASE EMAIL AT (ryannecarvalho90@gmail.com)
These adorable American pit bull terrier puppies say hi to loving homes that will welcome them from now. They are playful both with children and adults, other pets and very obedient in their entire live span from puppy stage, adolescent and adult stages. They are 12 week of age with dewormers. They... |
 | 16 - january - 2021 | N—783638 Puppies for sale United Kingdom, BlackpoolAmerican Pit-Bull Terrier | ry.annecarvalho90@gmail.com |